
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Free Box of Blocks

We've had a rough day at the Buckley House today.  Our Little Peanut seems to be teething, which he's not enjoying (neither are we).  Not even a little.  I have a really hard time seeing him uncomfortable, because my nurturing instinct is to comfort him with a cuddle.  But he does NOT want to be snuggled.  He doesn't even want to be held most of the time, so I then feel the need to comfort myself with a cuddle (with the dog).

I want to fix his discomfort! I do...  But I can't.

Once Jared and I were having an argument about how much responsibility I can reasonably assume for accidentally tickling him when I was trying to get comfortable in bed.  "It's not my fault," I said, "I can't control everything." He so cleverly replied, "but you certainly try..."  ZING.  But he's right...

So because today has been a day full of tears, I wanted to make a little present for my babe.  Obviously, I didn't want to leave the house or spend any money.  Here is my solution:

I handed my sweet, sad baby some... trash?

No, no... these empty snack boxes aren't finished yet!  He clearly loves them already, but they aren't very durable (and really, I might be a little embarrassed if visitors walked in to see my child playing with the contents of our recycle bin).

So I made them durable - and a bit prettier.  I first taped the flaps shut for stability.  Then I found my favorite natural wrapping paper and began wrapping... with a little help.

told you he's teething!
And made some blocks!

I'm not saying my project made him feel any better, but it was at least a distraction and he played contently long enough for me to write this post!

And the best part is, all these "blocks" fit nicely into a shoebox and slide into the cubby of our entertainment center.  J can reach them easily and they are light enough for him to pull out all by himself!

He can't resist them long enough for me to snap a photo!

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