
Saturday, February 16, 2013


Welcome to my blog!

My sweet baby boy is playing quietly on the floor, gently patting his train engine while it repeats the same upbeat tune over and over. Jared is absorbed in his video games. Their level of focus bewilders me.  This is my reason for blogging. I need something that is mine - somewhere for me to dedicate my focus. My grown-up mind is so muddled with the stresses and concerns that arrive along with motherhood (and home-ownership, and marriage, and bill-paying, and - need I go on?) that I relish any moments I can claim for myself.

When was my last shower?

How many of my meals this week have consisted of Pop Tarts?

Do I need to start dusting the exercise bike?

Nah... I need to start blogging! Here I can find an outlet, a place to share my ideas and accomplishments (and, let's face it... all the stunningly adorable things Little J does from day to day). So please, please enjoy my photos, projects, tutorials, poems, ideas, etc.  I pinky-promise to never pollute my blog with negativity, rudeness or cynicism.  There's already enough of that everywhere else.


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