
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Never being a morning person, I have always felt resentful of the phrase "rise and shine."  There is nothing about my face or my personality that "shines" first thing in the morning.  I'm more of a "rise and grunt" kind of person.  Jared is a "rise and immediately shower" guy and Little J is a "rise with the sun" kind of baby.  The only family member in this household who gets to sleep in is Zooey - and that's usually only because it takes us a while to remember to let her out of her crate...

On this beautiful Easter morning, the babe was awake before the sunrise (which occurred at 6:45, according to the magnificent Google).  An hour before the sun woke up to check for her Easter basket, I was peeling the pee-soaked jammies off of our beloved son.  Too bad the Easter Bunny in our house likes to sleep in...

I miss so many things about being a kid (Barbies, jelly shoes, Kool Aid) but the saddest childhood experience to outgrow is believing in the magic of holidays.  Santa, Reindeer, the Easter Bunny... but I expect these enchanted beings will come alive again now that I have a child of my own.  

At the salon yesterday, while I sat with my hair wrapped in foil, I overheard a kid getting her hair cut.  She proudly described the elaborate candy gift that she had made to leave for the Easter Bunny.  The hairstylist said something like, "isn't the Easter Bunny supposed to leave you candy?  You should leave him carrots! That's what bunnies eat!"  The girl's face dropped and she looked at her mom with a panicked expression and said, "shoot!" I wanted to yell across the salon, "don't worry, you still have time to make a carrot gift!"

I don't know why a rabbit brings us candy on Easter.  Bunnies and eggs and jelly beans have nothing to do with the Easter story... but I intend to encourage my children to believe in the magic for as long as I can.  Because, really, isn't believing in the magic what Easter is all about?

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