
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Traveling with the Babe: The Diaper Bag

We don't get out much.  And when we do, we aren't gone long.  Traveling isn't a hobby of ours, but sometimes it's a necessity (especially during the holiday season).  Since we aren't what some would consider to be "experienced" travelers, packing for our young chap is stressful and difficult.  I can't pack up the entire nursery, but I know that we need to bring along enough of the essentials in order to have a successful trip. 

I've had several opportunities to experiment with Little J's packing list in the past few months.  I'd like to share what I learned...

I believe the most important part of traveling (even to the grocery store) is to have a well packed diaper bag.  This is harder than I expected.  I didn't love the idea of lugging around a huge, heavy bag... but after hearing every poop-related horror story in the book (and after several poop-tastrophies in our own home) the thought of getting caught somewhere without the proper equipment was frightening.  This is how I finally packed our diaper bag for everyday use:


Like most things in my life, I separated my diaper bag into categories. This helps me to keep organized and re-stock my bag more easily.
1. Tummy: 
Formula dispenser (pre-measured and ready to add to water)
Empty bottle
Sealed bottle of water (for when water is not readily available)
Two bibs
One baby spoon
Two meals in travel pouches with attachable spoons

2. Booty:
Several diapers (enough to last almost a whole day)
Re-sealable wipe dispenser
Disposable changing pad (I add a washable waterproof one when we travel)
Hand Sanitizer
"Poopy" bags for disposal (and to trap any bad smells)

3. Body:
Burp cloth
Two washcloths
Travel size body wash
Emory board

4. Face:
Teething toy
Small book or toy
Multi-purpose tether*

*I made this tether to perform multiple functions.  In a pinch, it can act as a tether for pacifiers or toys, or as a hanging line for a car seat cover (see below).  We love to pull this out when J falls asleep in the car, or when we have to carry him in the car seat through cold/wet weather. To make this gadget, I simply sewed Velcro loops on each end of a piece of ribbon.  

The Velcro attaches on either side of the car seat handle
The blanket drapes without preventing access to the handle
5. Emergency:
(I only pack this pouch when we will be away from home for extended periods of time)

 Cotton balls
Emory board
Nail clippers
Booger sucker
Little scissors
Baby Tylenol with medicine dispensor
Variety of bandages
Baby Vicks

sick babes are no fun to travel with!
*Check back for more travel tips with baby!*

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