
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easy Applique

I have this habit of purchasing every single item of baby clothing that I find at Goodwill - as long as it's in good condition and the right size, it's mine!  Even if it's not exactly my taste, I figure I can easily make a project out of it...

The problem I have, of course, is that I forget about my project queue.  I have an enormous backlog of "projects" that I have never found time to complete.  I have to squeeze sewing in here and there, whenever I happen to have a free moment (which isn't very often nowadays). 

After a long, frustrating weekend, Jared and I decided Sunday night that we would set the DVR to record Mad Men so we could have a little (separate) hobby time (we watched Mad Men the next night, don't worry!)

I locked myself in the office/craft/storage room and, free of babies and dogs and household chores, I sewed!  I found a couple of baby clothes projects that I had forgotten about and began.

This onesie was in almost-new condition for $1.49, but I'm really not a fan of cars/trucks/planes etc.  So the fire engine had to go.

cute, but not my taste

I found my stash of felt (which I have been saving for a different project) and picked a color that I like with the grey of the shirt. 

I cut a shape that I know will be big enough to cover the fire truck - and it suits Little J, since I can tell he's already a Harry Potter fan.

Felt is nice for this project because it won't fray.  I could have probably attached my lightning bolt with a simple straight stitch, but I like the look of a thick zig zag much better.  I accomplished this by setting my sewing machine to sew a zig zag and adjusting the length and width (a shorter length will make the zigs and zags closer together).

I sewed around the edge of my shape, making sure I catch the edge of the felt (we don't want any loose edges!)

And now I have a shirt fit for the Chosen One!

I had to wrangle my naked babe at 7 AM for his photo shoot

Once the shirt was on, he WOULD NOT smile for me

I tried a box of socks to get his happy juices flowing

But he just wanted to chew on them

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