
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Peach Cupcakes

I am nothing even close to a cooking expert, but every now and then I come across awesome recipes that I just have to share.  I found this gem while searching for peach desserts, and they are hands down the best cupcakes I have ever, ever made:

The original recipe can be found on this awesome blog: Cathlin Cooks... But Mostly Bakes!

Now, I passed up the food coloring step (mostly out of laziness) so my cupcakes didn't turn out quite as colorful as hers.  But I like to think that my cupcakes were just  as tasty!

I added my own little flair to these babies by topping them with candied pecans.  And trust me, the "pecan bite" was the yummiest bite of the whole cupcake.

I wonder if the recipe could be tweaked by using different kinds of fruits.  Like... blueberries? I'll let you know how my experimentation turns out!

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