
Friday, July 4, 2014

A Little Hand Lettering

So much time has passed since my last post (nearly 7 months!?!).  I guess that's what you get when you are the mom of 2 kids under 2!  And, oddly enough, life has actually gotten easier since our graduation from the "2 under 2" club (Little J turned 2 a few weeks ago!).  He is also bubbling over with excitement about his new vocabulary, especially his ability to point out every car we pass on the road... The new Baby Coconut is almost 6 months old now, and finally following a loose daily routine - and sitting up all by himself! Busy, busy!

Luckily - for my own sanity - I have managed to make some time for myself lately to work on some art projects.  This one (above), is one that I painted for my mom to use as baby shower invitations back in November.  I added my invitation text digitally, then had them printed at Staples.  (My Autumn Baby Shower post can be viewed by clicking this link).

But the original painting had a big blank oval that I never had time to fill in.  I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to fill it with anyway... so this project got pushed to the back, back, back, back burner.  Until I had a free evening last week!

I painted a watercolor panda for Little J when I decorated his nursery, and I wanted baby #2 to have a Mommy Painting of his own.  Since I painted this little bad boy while I was pregnant with Baby Coconut (and since it was the inspiration for his baby shower theme), it seemed appropriate to officially make it his painting.  With hand lettering!

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