
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Goodbye Summer: Felt Flower Coasters

We're getting to that time of Summer when the heat feels out of place.  I start to get that itch to wear scarves and long pants and snuggle up under a blanket with some hot tea, but the days are still too hot!

And now that pregnancy hormones are preventing my body from regulating its temperature in a normal (sane) way, I'm really ready for some cooler weather.  I can't wait for that crisp, cool edge that Fall breezes carry over your face.  Or the cinnamon and pumpkin scented candles that I have stored with my Autumn decor.  Or, most of all, that delicious, satisfying crunch! of stomping on dried up fallen leaves.  Mmmmmm....

I made a decision yesterday that it was time to give Summer a little hint that I'm ready for her departure... so I made some "farewell, Summer" coasters:

These little babies were super easy and, even though I was sloppy and rather lazy in my cutting and sewing, they turned out pretty cute.

I am a sucker for felt.  I don't know why... maybe it's the HUGE variety of colors, textures and patterns available on that long Hobby Lobby aisle.  But I just never can resist.

So I picked out some cheery colors, doodled up a pattern design and cut my felt.  Felt is awesome for this kind of (lazy) project because it doesn't fray.

I then found some matching cotton fabrics.  This will help to actually soak up the spills/condensation since felt isn't very absorbent...

Since my cotton fabric will fray, I sewed a very tight zigzag edge around the perimeter of the circle.  This is the easiest (laziest) way to do an applique.  And it works fairly well.

I literally conceived, started and finished this project within a single nap time.  These coasters won't hold up nearly as well as my Leaf Coasters have, but they were so easy that I can easily make replacements if necessary.

notice my new water bottle? mmmm...

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