Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Simple Chandelier

I would like to introduce a quick tutorial!  This is a simple and inexpensive "chandelier" that can be customized to suit any room.  You've seen this one before on my nursery post, but here's another picture:

I chose to make this one using white card stock and a 2" circle punch. Depending on the room and my decorating vision, I could have used colored paper (or wax paper for a less opaque look) or even a different shaped punch.  Even though some steps to this project were tedious and time-consuming, it was quite easy.  Here's how I created it!

1. Punched my shapes: I didn't count my circles, but I'm estimating I needed roughly 150 for my design.

2. "Sewed" my circles together: I had to tie a pretty large knot in the bottom of my thread to prevent the circles from just falling off the bottom.  Once the first circle was secure, I strung the rest on by sewing my needle through both the bottom and the top of the circle (as seen below).  My longest strands had 10 circles, and I added shorter lengths as well for visual interest.

3. Secured my strands to the hoop:  Embroidery hoops are super inexpensive and have the natural wood look that I was going for.

example embroidery hoop
  I tied my thread strands around the whole perimeter until I achieved the balance I was happy with, then hung the whole thing with some jute (also giving off the "natural" vibe).

The circles spin gracefully with any air movement in the room, giving the chandelier an almost "wind chime" effect.  Little J lies mesmerized on his changing table, watching the movement of the paper.  Just what I was hoping for!

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